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Biography: Kim Muirhead

My heart broke wide open the first time I experienced a women’s sacred singing circle—it was the first time I’d experienced the visceral feeling of “coming home”.

Women’s HeartSong was the circle, originally started by Zoey Wren. I was an integral part of Women’s HeartSong, coming—to my great surprise—to carry on the circle myself by mid-2018. I’ve been slowly freeing my own voice through singing and continue to build on that within HeartSong and in other forms of learning.

In June, 2019, I attended Heather Houston’s live Women’s Song & Chant Leader Training in Santa Cruz, California, then completed the follow up online course and became a member of Heather’s Sisters in Harmony.

I continue to build on my vocal and leader training because I’ve received so many incredible gifts and so much joy being a part of these sacred women’s song circles and I want to share those gifts and that joy with as many women as possible.

I deeply love being a part of creating amazing, loving, intentions and vibrations to uplift women, the earth and all humanity.

Come sing with me! Click here to receive my monthly invites.

While Women’s HeartSong is a passion for me, on the business side of life I’m a financial professional with Living the Dream Agency, of World Financial Group (WFG). Both pursuits allow me to expand my possibilities in life, to live who I truly am, and also to uplift others.

As a B.C. and Alberta licensed agent, I get to live a second passion: informing women and families about the financial possibilities we should have been taught in school!

WFG’s mission statement is “No Family Left Behind.” It’s a joy to be able to listen to clients’ financial wish lists (and even their fears!) and together, craft a plan that helps them get into the best financial shape possible, regardless of their starting point. Our holistic focus, using our financial needs analysis, allows me to customize my client’s plans to their needs, goals and budgets, because no two situations are the same.

Clients are amazed at the choices which are available to them if someone with the right knowledge shows them how to make sense of it all. If you want an enjoyable experience getting your financial future organized, if you want peace of mind, a first step would be for us to explore what’s really out there for you.


Feel better about money! Click here to request an invite to an information overview.